






Celtic提供所有級別的英語,小班教學,輕鬆交友,老師密切關注每位學生。我們提供英語每週 15 至 30 個小時的課程,一對一的面試,找出你的英語程度,學生可以選擇從繁多的課程包括,通用英語、雅思加強班,劍橋考試準備課程,一對一的課程等…,全年提供高品質的英語課程,擁有教學熱忱之合格教師,妥善的住宿安排,以及充實又具創意的課餘活動。


We are a welcoming English language academy with friendly and helpful teachers and staff.
We first opened as Celtic School in 2004 and have been welcoming students from all over the world since then. This means we have a lot of expertise in providing students with a quality study experience. Our excellent core teaching team is complemented by our academic and office support teams. These teams ensure the smooth day-to-day running of our friendly and welcoming English academy.

Cardiff, the beautiful capital of Wales
Cardiff is a great place to live and study.
It offers everything you would expect from a capital city with world-class entertainment, historical sites and excellent shopping, while still being one of the cheapest places for students to live in the UK.
Cardiff is going from strength to strength as a city. It was rated the third-best capital city in Europe (Quality of Life in European Cities survey 2016) and is one of the UK’s top-ranked big cities for quality of life.




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