Introduction to the British academic system

educational stage
Schooling age
types of school
primary education
Primary Education
4-11 years old
Grades 0-6
Infant schools and primary schools
Infant & Junior Schools
secondary education
Secondary Education
11-16 years old
Grades 7-11
College of Arts, Sciences and Technology
Comprehensive, Grammar, Technology
continuing education
Further Education
16 years and over
Grades 12-13
Sixth Form College
School of Continuing Education
Sixth Form College,Futher Ed. College
higher education
Higher Education
18 years and over
institute of higher education
University, Higher Ed. College



1. Primary Education Primary Education (4 to 11 years old)

Primary education is from 4 to 11 years old and is divided into infant school and junior school.

Two parts, in addition to separate kindergarten schools and primary schools, the more common school types are combined junior and infant

school , that is, a kindergarten school and a primary school are combined into one school, called Primary School .

2. Secondary Education (11 to 16 years old)

Secondary education covers ages from 11 to 16 years old, but can be subdivided according to age into the first stage from 11 to 14 years old, and the second stage from 14 to 16 years old.

➤Phase 1

Its teaching content is mainly based on basic compulsory subjects, including English and mathematics.

➤Second stage (GCSE stage)

Middle school students start studying for the two-year GCSE (General ) when they are 14 to 16 years old ( fourth and fifth grade ).
Certificate of Secondary Education (General Certificate of Secondary Education ) courses, students can
Choose the subjects you want to study based on your interests, expertise and future development. It is quite flexible and free. Most students
Will take 8 to 9 elective subjects ( usually at least five subjects, more outstanding students may elect ten subjects
above ) .
The GCSE exam taken by middle school students after completing the GCSE course is required after completing secondary education.
The general secondary education certificate obtained through the main examination can not only be used as a basis for further studies in applying for schools.
According to foreign sources, it is also helpful for graduates who want to enter the job market directly.

3. Further Education (after 16 years old)

Compulsory education in the UK ends at the age of 16. At this time, students can choose to continue with university preparatory courses and vocational training.

courses or employment. The university preparatory course focuses on preparation for university. After completing the two-year course, you can take A-level courses.

A-Level exams are the basic requirement for admission to all universities in the UK. A-Level courses usually last for

In the second year, the enrollment age is 16 to 18 years old, and there is considerable flexibility and freedom in choosing subjects.


A-level majors

Subjects include: history, economics, natural sciences, French, geography, chemistry, mathematics, business studies, biology, art, design, computers, German, English, dance, etc. Students will be informed of the scope of study they have chosen at university , which subjects are the best matching choices. Usually students can choose three to four A-Level main subjects, which is ideal for students who need a wide range of choices at university. As for students who choose vocational training courses, they can enter the extended education college or technical college to receive the sixth form course (sixth Form) to study vocational courses. These schools provide vocational, professional, technical, handicraft, art design and other courses, including interior design, clothing Design, beauty therapy, travel, sightseeing and more.

4. Higher education

Higher education institutions include universities, higher education colleges, art and design colleges, etc. The education target is 18 years old

The above group of students. Admission to higher education is selective and students can obtain diplomas, bachelor's degrees and postgraduate qualifications.

Comparison table of British and Taiwanese academic systems


Taiwan academic system

British academic system

American academic system



primary school

First grade

primary school



primary school

Primary one

second grade

First grade



Third grade

second grade



fourth grade

Third grade



Fifth grade

fourth grade


Xiao Wu

sixth grade

Fifth grade


little six

junior high school

Seventh grade

junior high school

sixth grade


junior high school


Eighth grade

Seventh grade


Second grade

Ninth grade

Eighth grade


National Three

HKCEE courses

Year 10 (GCSE)

high school

Ninth grade


high school

First year of high school

Year 11 (GCSE)

tenth grade


Sophomore year of high school

academic courses

Grade 12 (A-Level)

National Vocational Diploma (ND)

Vocational courses

eleventh grade


Senior year of high school

Grade 13 (A-Level)

National Vocational Diploma (ND)

Grade 12



Freshman year

university courses

Freshman year

Higher Vocational Diploma (HND)


Freshman year


Sophomore year

Sophomore year

Higher Vocational Diploma (HND)

Sophomore year


Junior year

Junior year

Junior year


Senior year

Graduate courses


Senior year


graduate School


( two years )


graduate School

Master's degree ( second year )





( three years or more )


Doctoral degree (PHD for more than three years )

