UK Language School|UK Language School


What is a language school?

Language schools are places that provide relevant learning services to people who need to learn languages .

In addition to learning a language that helps you communicate, understand the beauty of other countries’ cultures, and promote international exchanges, you can also choose to study in language schools in different countries according to your own preferences with students from all over the world. The time of study can be adjusted according to your own preferences. Make choices based on your needs .

Living in a city for a period of time can fully and deeply experience the local culture and life . If you want to have a deeper understanding of the local life style, you can choose to study in a language school in this way.

Suitable for objects

Beginner → Long-term language learning course (1~12 months)

Have a foundation → connect to major courses and short-term intensive courses


Admission restrictions

There are no strict admission restrictions. As long as you want to learn English, prepare training funds and apply for a visa, you can generally get admission.

British language training institution

1. Private language school

➤Advantages :

The courses are very rich

From general English to English courses for various special projects, such as high school preparation English, business English, computer English, and English for elementary school teachers.

Teaching is lively and life-oriented

Compared with ordinary universities, the teaching content is more vivid and rich, suitable for studying special subjects and experiencing humanities, economy, and culture.

Small class size

The start date of the course is flexible, the teachers can take good care of all students, and the students are mainly from overseas, so the teachers have certain experience in dealing with the weaknesses of foreign students.

➤Disadvantages :

need exam

Most students who graduate from private language schools must have IELTS/TOEFL scores to enter university.
(A few private schools, after completing their diploma courses, can go directly to university without taking IELTS/TOEFL)

2. Language center school attached to the university 

➤Advantages :

Studying a Department after Articulation

Students can familiarize themselves with the university's environment and equipment in advance, which will help shorten their adaptation period when taking formal courses in the future.

Academic English

In terms of courses, academic English is the main focus. Teachers at the Chinese language center have a better understanding of their school’s formal curriculum education system and can help students overcome language and various obstacles that may arise in formal courses in the future.

➤Disadvantages : 

Classmates have different levels

Most of the students come from academic institutions in cooperating English-speaking countries, or have been in the UK for a while and have a certain level of English.

When teaching, school teachers do not fully consider students from non-English-speaking countries such as China, South Korea, and Japan.

Tense learning atmosphere and few course options

The focus is on getting into higher education, so there is progress pressure, and the courses are either general English or academic English.

Many students whose mother tongue is Chinese

There are many people who speak the same mother tongue, so you may use less English to communicate with your classmates.

The risks and troubles of changing schools or departments

Suppose that Mr. Chen has finished studying in the language class of University A, but finds that University A has rejected his application for admission. Or he finds that the courses of University B or graduate school are more suitable for him. At this time, Chen cannot apply for University B with the language scores of University A.

The only way is to take the IELTS exam (there is a risk of failing); or to take another direct English class at University B.


In fact, the so-called public and private language schools are not absolutely good or bad.

Basically, the teaching and courses of each language center have their own characteristics.

Students can discuss it carefully with us to find the most suitable language learning environment for them.