British boarding school|Boarding School

What is boarding school?

A boarding school is a school where some or all students not only study but also live with their classmates (and sometimes teachers).
Boarding schools
can be said to be one of the symbols of British education. They often have a long history and are full of strong " aristocratic " colors.


In the UK, there are approximately 800 secondary schools providing boarding for students.

What are some of the characteristics and advantages of boarding education?



1. Gentleman and lady culture

In boarding schools, in addition to course study,

It also pays attention to the cultivation of students' etiquette, cultivation and temperament .

In some top boarding schools, you even have the opportunity to become classmates with children of British aristocrats .

2. Educational expertise

Some schools may be famous for business education,

Other schools may specialize in areas such as sports or the arts.

In surveys over the years, it has been found that students from private schools often perform better in A-Level examinations.

3. Teachers and students live together

The most special thing about boarding education is that teachers and students can live together .

This allows teachers to have more time to accompany children's learning and growth and their academic success.


Therefore, parents do not have to worry too much about placing their children in boarding schools.

What boarding schools can provide must be a comprehensive and healthy educational environment.



1. Accommodation partners come from all over the world

Generally speaking, every dormitory in the school has students from different nationalities , and there are usually no students who speak the same language in a room.

This kind of dormitory classification also greatly improves the sensitivity of language learning. Let students learn to be independent and start to become more like an adult.


2. Confidential consulting services

When students feel physically or mentally unwell or homesick , the school will provide confidential and effective counseling services.

Allow students to express their emotions.

3. Pay attention to privacy and security

Different areas of the boarding school have different entrance codes. Only the students in the dormitory know the password of the dormitory. Non-boarding students are not allowed to enter the dormitory unless they are invited.